Low Testosterone in Centennial, CO

Testosterone is an essential hormone that plays a central role in your reproductive health, libido, mood, and body composition. As we age, testosterone production slows and levels drop. This can lead to several symptoms, including sexual dysfunction, decrease in muscle and bone mass, hair loss, weight gain, fatigue, infertility, and more. At Optimized Wellness, nurse practitioner Amy Maron-Martinez offers bioidentical hormone therapy for clients experiencing low testosterone levels. If you think you may be experiencing low testosterone or other effects of a hormonal imbalance, call our practice in Centennial, CO to book your consultation now.

While testosterone levels may begin to decline around the age of 30, other medical conditions may also cause a decrease in production. Amy will evaluate your symptoms and discuss your medical history. Blood work is required to further review health markers and hormone levels. Once this comprehensive assessment is complete, Amy will create a personalized treatment plan. Treatment for low testosterone at Optimized Wellness may include hormone replacement therapy, which is administered through pellet therapy. Follow-up appointments will be necessary to monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments.

Low testosterone treatment can alleviate symptoms and offer Centennial, CO individuals a range of benefits. Some of the advantages of increasing testosterone levels include:

  • Promotes long-term skeletal health
  • Restores libido and sexual function
  • Improves mood and mental acuity
  • Increases energy levels and stamina
  • Enhances muscle mass

Super friendly and thorough. I highly recommend Amy and Optimized wellness!!

M.T. Google

Amy is so very helpful & kind. My husband & I started with Optimized Wellness in January, 5 yrs ago. We are 74 & 70 yrs old & really notice a difference in our health & wellbeing. Highly recommended the pellets.

G.A. Google

Fantastic! Helpful, professional, comfortable.

T.T. Google

Since starting hormone replacement I have had so much energy, my libido has returned and I've even lost some weight! Thanks for keeping me feeling young!

S.P. Google

Always a wonderful experience. Thank you!!!!

Q.J. Google


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If you are dealing with the uncomfortable effects of low testosterone, the team at Optimized Wellness can help you take back your health and vitality. As an experienced medical professional, Amy Maron-Martinez offers customized treatments to regulate testosterone levels. Schedule your appointment at our practice in Centennial, CO to find out if testosterone treatment can improve your quality of life.

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