Wellness Services in Centennial, CO | Optimized Wellness


Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Bioidentical hormone therapy is a customized treatment that addresses symptoms of imbalanced hormones, such as fatigue, low libido, and brain fog.


Personalized menopause treatments can safely and effectively help balance hormones leading to reduced symptoms and improved quality of life.

Low Testosterone

Low testosterone treatment aims to regulate this essential hormone to improve libido, regulate mood, and boost energy in Centennial, CO clients.

Weight Loss

Medically supervised weight loss programs combine diet and exercise with peptide therapy, medication, or supplements, depending on your needs.


Custom-tailored longevity treatments enhance the vitality and well-being of individuals in Centennial, CO seeking to achieve a longer, healthier life.

Peptide Therapy

Peptide therapy utilizes chains of amino acids to address several health concerns while also enhancing individuals' overall health and wellness.

Health Optimization

Health optimization allows our team to identify and address imbalances and deficiencies in the body to boost clients' vitality and overall wellness.

Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy is a treatment that utilizes ozone to treat several health conditions while also boosting your immune and circulatory systems.


Treatment for fatigue addresses the underlying cause of fatigue with personalized treatments to boost energy levels and sharpen mental acuity.

Joint Pain

Optimized Wellness offers treatments for joint pain that promote tissue regeneration and healing, often resulting in improved symptoms.
*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.